Bromelain | Winchester Hospital

Bromelain is not actually a single substance, but rather a collection of protein-digesting enzymes (also called proteolytic enzymes ) found in pineapple juice and in the stem of pineapple plants. It is primarily produced in Japan, Hawaii, and Taiwan, and much of the original research was performed in the first two of those locations. Subsequently, European researchers developed an interest, and, by 1995, bromelain had become the thirteenth most common individual herbal product sold in Germany.

Source: Bromelain | Winchester Hospital

Bromelain | University of Maryland Medical Center

Source: Bromelain | University of Maryland Medical Center

Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes that digest protein (proteolytic) that are found in pineapples (Ananas comosus). Pineapple has been used for centuries in Central and South America to treat indigestion and reduce inflammation. Bromelain, which is derived from the stem and juice of the pineapple, was first isolated from the pineapple plant in the late 1800s. The German Commission E approved bromelain to treat swelling and inflammation after surgery, particularly sinus surgery.

Bromelain can be used to treat a number of conditions, but it is particularly effective in reducing inflammation from infection and injuries.